Monday, March 5, 2012

~*~ Thinking & Writing ~*~

The inside of my head is a very active place; no fear of the dust settling anytime soon. But I do wonder where all my memories have been stored. I know they're in there somewhere, but I fear the corpus callosum has somehow run amok and perhaps the hippocampus, thalamus, and amygdala have, themselves, forgotten their work.

Seriously, I find it quite amusing that while I'm in the barn doing chores, I have the best ideas ever. One-liners to post on facebook, names of chapters for my book, inspiration for another yet-to-be-written book. But by the time I get to the house, I can't remember a single one of them. Or, I just find that real life gets in the way and, "Who do you think you are, anyway, thinking you could write a book that anyone would want to read. Hah!"

I'm guessing that a typical woman might have the same sense of her brain being too darn busy. (I am not including men in this discussion because I understand even less about how their brains work.) But what do the rest of you do with all that activity? What does your brain say you want to do but you don't find time to do? Why is it that I say I want to write but don't do very much writing?

I have at least a dozen books on my Kindle in a collection I have named, "Writing - How to." I've started reading one of them, and you know I'll have to read them all before I even begin to write. Can you say "procrastinate?"

Why am I telling you all this stuff? I like to write :-) Oh, and to get back to my second sentence above, about my memories ... I want to write a memoir, but then I realized that means writing about things I remember. Ahhh, there's the rub. My memory sucks! and always has. It's not like loss of memory is a product of my aging process. I still plan to write some sort of memoir ... I'll just ad lib as the need arises. Who's gonna know?

In closing this silliness: I hope everyone is happy in your head - we're all doing pretty well in mine!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute...I think many people suffer from their brain being too busy =) it's my reason at least for starting many projects and not finishing them!
