Saturday, March 9, 2013

~ The Breakfast of Champions ~

Begin with a delightful loaf of homemade bread.

Cut a couple slices and slather with butter and peanut butter. I know, I know. You could skip the butter, but WHY?? Put the two slices together and, voila!, a peanut butter sandwich. Aren't you glad you tuned in for today's blog? Wait, I'm not done yet.

Brew yourself a smooth cup of coffee. Add cream (and sugar, if you must).

Now you're ready for my all-time favorite breakfast from my childhood years. Dunk your peanut butter sandwich into the coffee, letting a bite-sized corner soak up JUST ENOUGH coffee ... but not so much that it falls into your cup. Yes, there is an art to this.

You have to lean into this breakfast, and don't be too surprised if you have coffee dripping down your chin by the time you're done.

When you get to the last bite, just toss it into your cup. Let it float for a while, but don't let it sink! Scoop it up with your spoon and enjoy.

Slurp! Mmmm!

By the time you've finished the sandwich, you probably won't have much coffee left. If you don't mind a little butterfat or soggy crumbs floating in your coffee, drink up. Otherwise, pour it down the drain and finish breakfast with a fresh cup of coffee.

Ahhh. Memories.