You remember the story, right? The prince needed to marry a real princess, but how was he to determine who was worthy of his high status in life? Mom knew the answer, of course. Pile 20 mattresses on top of a pea, and see how well the potential heiress sleeps.
I certainly don't put myself in the same social milieu as a princess, but I do possess some of those same delicate sensitivities.
Take, for a very similar example, bed sheets. If there is a wrinkle in the lower sheet, I can't sleep. No, I don't iron my sheets! I'm talking about the sheet having a little fold or a crease in it. I must lie on a smoooooth surface. And the top sheet must be neatly folded down over the top edge of the quilt or blanket. Pillow fluffed, pillow case smoothed.
You may be wondering what brought these silly thoughts to my head. Well, this afternoon I finally got around to mending a couple of Weldon's work shirts. As long as I had the sewing machine humming, I decided to take care of another problem that has been irking me. I'd like to start a new paragraph now, so please continue reading below.
Before I went to Arizona this spring, I bought a new robe. Surprisingly, I loved it. Except for one small aggravation: after I washed it, the facing didn't want to stay flat, and the seam that was formed by the joining of the robe front to the facing curled up along the inside of said seam. Get it? Probably not, but it drove me crazy.
So, today I top stitched close to the front edge, carefully unrolling and flattening the rebellious inside edge of the seam as I went along. Then I smoothed the facing and top stitched near its outer edge. If you don't sew, you probably don't have a clue what I'm talking about. And, if you're not almost a princess, I'm quite certain you're thinking I must be nuts. But now I will really love my robe ... even when pulling it fresh from the dryer.
(If I were a Princess, I would not be sewing nor pulling anything fresh from the dryer. If I were a Princess, someone could actually iron my sheets for me. "If I were a Princess, la la la la la la la." Makes for a lovely song.)
Here's a photo. Not that it will clarify anything, other than my anality (giving too much attention to details in a way that annoys people).
I'm not aware of any other princess-ly traits that I carry. Certainly I enjoying riding around in a carriage and being awakened by Prince Charming's kiss, but who wants to be a real princess, anyway? I mean, can you imagine wearing glass slippers? Wait. I think I'm getting my fairy tales confused.
With that, I shall don my newly princess-ified robe and retire to the drawing room. I'm hoping my fairy godmother will magically bring me a glass of wine because I'm fresh out. And it's Friday. Oh, woe is me.